Last Update:2025/01/08

Student Learning Advisor

Summary of this page

SLA (Student Learning Advisor) are students that provide learning support services to students at TU by upper-level students at TU. As an SLA, those students who are juniors at the undergraduate level and all the way up to graduate students mainly at TU, are providing learning support to freshmen and sophomores taking general education courses. The concept is “students learning from each other.” The activities are based on the key phrase of ‘learning together, growing together’ and “flourishing together”.

1. Service summary

1.1 Service details

Students who are juniors at the undergraduate level and all the way up to graduate students mainly at TU, provide support services to freshmen and sophomores taking general education courses.

1.2 Users

Available for use by anyone who is a student of TU. However, the scope of support extends to general education at TU.

1.3 Location and method of use

The SLA question counter is open from the 2nd to 5th period, Monday to Friday, at the SLA Lounge, which is located on the 1st floor of the Multimedia Education and Research Complex (Kawauchi-kita Campus). Students seeking learning support or wanting consultations should go directly to the Learning Support Center at the SLA Lounge or the SLA Questions Counter.

Scene from the SLA lounge

In addition to taking questions, SLA also holds English conversation seminars and various other events. For details on SLA learning support and content on other activities, check the SLA website.

2. Inquiries

See the SLA website (Student Learning Advisor portal) for details regarding SLA. For inquiries concerning SLA, contact the following.

Learning Support Center (SLA Support) (Contact information is at the bottom of the linked page.)
