Systems and services |
Contacts (Confirm link destinations) |
Integrated Electronic Authentication System
(TU ID, sub-ID, Google Workspace ID, Microsoft365 ID) |
[Contact information for faculty and staff]
Office of Information Infrastructure Management, Organization for Innovations in Data Synergy
[Contact information for students]
Basic Technology Department, Center for Data-driven Science and Artificial Intelligence
SSO (Single Sign-On)(Student portal) |
Information and Computer Literacy (ICL) system |
Basic Technology Department, Center for Data-driven Science and Artificial Intelligence |
Internet school (ISTU) |
Syllabus search engine service |
Schedule inquiry service |
Student email service (DC Mail)・Google Workspace |
[Initial support]
TU COOP New Life Support Center
[Other contact information]
Basic Technology Department, Center for Data-driven Science and Artificial Intelligence
Microsoft 365 / Office365 |
Campus Wi-Fi |
Academic Affairs Information System (class registration, academic records, etc.) |
Affiliated department, Academic Affairs Division |
Certificate issuance service |
Library Information Service
Learning Commons |
Library |
Student Learning Advisor (SLA) |
Learning Support Center (SLA Support) |