Last Update:2025/01/08

Services & contacts

List of systems and services, and contacts


Systems and services Contacts (Confirm link destinations)
Integrated Electronic Authentication System
(TU ID, sub-ID, Google Workspace ID, Microsoft365 ID)

[Contact information for faculty and staff]
Office of Information Infrastructure Management, Organization for Innovations in Data Synergy

[Contact information for students]
Basic Technology Department, Center for Data-driven Science and Artificial Intelligence

SSO (Single Sign-On)(Student portal)
Information and Computer Literacy (ICL) system Basic Technology Department, Center for Data-driven Science and Artificial Intelligence
Internet school (ISTU)
Syllabus search engine service
Schedule inquiry service
Student email service (DC Mail)・Google Workspace

[Initial support]
TU COOP New Life Support Center

[Other contact information]
Basic Technology Department, Center for Data-driven Science and Artificial Intelligence

Microsoft 365 / Office365
Campus Wi-Fi
Academic Affairs Information System (class registration, academic records, etc.) Affiliated department, Academic Affairs Division
Certificate issuance service
Library Information Service
Learning Commons
Student Learning Advisor (SLA) Learning Support Center (SLA Support)